Responsive Buttons with Stack in Flatsome Theme

Learn how to align buttons perfectly in Flatsome UX Builder! This quick guide covers alignment, spacing, and mobile adjustments to make your buttons look great on any device.


Want to align buttons perfectly in Flatsome? This quick guide shows you how to position two buttons side by side on desktop, and stack them vertically on mobile for a clean, responsive look. Let’s get started!

Steps to Align Buttons with the Stack Element

1. Add Two Buttons in UX Builder

  • Open your page in UX Builder.
  • Place two buttons next to each other in the workspace. This layout is great for desktops but may need adjustments for mobile.

2. Use the Stack Element for Better Responsiveness

  • Click the plus icon (+) in UX Builder.
  • Search for Stack Element and add it to your layout.
  • Drag your button elements into this Stack Element.

3. Adjust Button Spacing

  • Once the buttons are inside the Stack Element, set the spacing to 0.5 or whatever spacing looks best.
  • This will make sure they’re close but not touching.

4. Center Align the Buttons

  • With both buttons selected in the Stack Element, set their alignment to center.
  • This keeps the layout neat and visually centered on the page.

5. Configure the Mobile Layout

  • In the Stack Element settings, adjust the layout direction for mobile to vertical. This will stack the buttons one on top of the other when viewed on mobile.
  • This is essential for mobile users, ensuring the buttons are easy to access and look clean on smaller screens.

6. Optional: Adjust Button Width for Mobile

  • If you want the buttons smaller on mobile, place the Stack Element inside a new row and column.
  • Resize the column width as needed (e.g., 10 or 11) to make the buttons narrower.

And that’s it! Now your buttons are aligned side-by-side on desktop, and vertically on mobile with a responsive, user-friendly layout.

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